Well call me crazy but I have been in a bit of a slump since I got back from my trip to Ca. I really did not want to come back this time. We have no family at all here in Boise and for the life of me I do not know why we moved here. I hate it when I get in this kind of mood. :(
When I had to go out to the pharmacy this morning the poor girl behind the counter must have thought I was a bit crazy. I went to pick up my (HORMONE) perscription and the cost for it had doubled from the last time. Well I told her it better not have!!! And wanted to know if it was the pharmacy or the insurance that had increased the cost...She had to go to the back to check on it and when she returned she said it had gone up five dollars instead of the twenty that she had told me. She gave me five dollars worth of coupons so it would be the same as last month. (She probably didn't want to see my head explode). :) :)
Oh and when I told my husband about this he laughed !!!! Can you believe it!!! The biggest reason I was so upset was because they just increased my premium and then had the audacity to increase my perscriptions as well.
I am sure that none of you reading this has had this kind of day. When a woman needs her hormones others need to stay back a step or two!!!! :) :)
This little bird was in the backyard of the house I stayed at in Napa Ca. He was enjoying the sunshine and the bird bath...Awwww if only life could be so simple....

Better days ahead !!!