Yes this is Sophie our dog. This is one of her down times, and when ever she feels like a nap she must rest her head on a pillow or something. Well this time it happened to be her very favorite (whale) plush toy. "What a life"
Ok I must admit that my addictions are homemade cookies, good chocolate and fabulous coffee !!!! Well I guess that isn't soooo bad. :) One must have that great cup of coffee and a little treat after a hard days work of bear making.
Ok here are the rooms finished. I am so glad that is done. I still need something above the guest room bed. That will come when I see the right thing or make it myself. Now on to the next thing to do. Oh~~maybe bears. :)
I have two new bears finished and will notify everyone on my email list as soom as I have them posted.
I don't know what we were thinking but we decided to switch our guest room and office. The spare bedroom is larger and we thought we needed the extra room since we both share the same office space. Well great thought but a lot of work it turned out. It always turns into more than we ever expect. :) Anyway this was our weekend project. I almost have everything back to normal except for something (new) on the wall above the guest room bed. I do like it much better. My husband thought that I was going to put a hospital curtain around his desk. :) He knows I do not like clutter..... Our dog Sophie was feeling a little neglected so Craig had to take a moment to play with her. I promise I am working on bears~~~~
Yes finally I have three new bears for sale. I have got to get myself back into the work mode. :) After company and our shopping trips and eating out etc. I got a little spoiled. I did have my granddaughter help me name a few while she was here.
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer. It has been very hot and smokey here in Boise.
(Our daughter Kim and her two dogs Bell and Gidget......)
(Granddaughter Amanda and myself....)
Well it has been a very busy two weeks for me. Our daughter was here for ten days for a visit from Napa Ca. and then one day later our granddaughter came in for five days from Ca. What fun we had !!! I do not get to see Amanda our granddaughter as much as I would like to0 so we were out everyday doing something. Of course a 15 year old girl likes to shop~~so shop we did !!! I think that Macy's really likes me. :)
I had to take her back to the airport yesterday to go home. I already miss her~~What a fun and wonderful young lady she is turning into. And believe me she does know her brand names. :)
Ok one more thing~~I will be posting three new bears on my web site and possibly Ebay in the next day or two. Please watch for the new bears !!! I was not able to get much done but I cramed in a few minutes here and there.
For those of you who are not on my email list to be notified of new creations you can sign up by going into my web site.
Thanks for taking the time to view my new BLOG!!!!