Sunday, December 16, 2007


Oh those special moments we have with our pets !!!! The black doggy in the photo is my daughters dog Bell. I guess you could say she is sort of a grand child to me. :) And of course the other photo is of our dog Sophie. She was very focused that day as she was waiting for her master (my husband) to return from the store. It seems as though it is those oh so very small things in our lives that we often times get to busy to really appreciate. If we as humans could only be satisified to just go for a walk, and if a pat on the head would just make our day, how special that would be.
So I just hope for this very special holiday season that we can take the time to go that extra mile for those that may come into contact with us. I know~~ I know~~ sometimes you really don't feel like taking the time, but I know for myself I always feel better about myself to take a selfless moment from time to time... :)

Blessings and Hugs !!!!

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